Sunday, October 27, 2013

Various types of uterine fibroids

Symptoms of the various types of uterine fibroids

The uterine fibroid is one of the most frequent problem in women, especially in childbearing age.
In most cases does not involve symptoms or problems whatsoever and almost always there is no realization of its existence by chance.
Depending on the location in which they develop, fibroids in question take on different definitions.

Type of uterine fibroids

Subserous fibroids or sub serous fibroids are typically those of more simple therapy and resolution.
This happens because they develop and grow on the outside of the uterus. If sub serous fibroid increase much in volume can lead to abdominal pain also strong, like menstrual, due to the compression of other organs.
More generally may instead cause pain during sexual intercourse, especially if pedunculated, or they come out of the womb and remained attached by a small isthmus of skin, they are subject to torsion.
Even the submucosal fibroids (the rarest) can be stalked, although they develop exclusively within the uterine cavity. Among the recurring symptoms (if occur), we find a very abundant menstrual flow and long.
The most common and often complex to treat are the so-called intramural fibroids, which grow directly into the tissue of the uterine muscle (hence the name).
Carry a heavy menstrual flow and if they reach significant size, even frequent urge to pee (for the pressure on the bladder), pelvic pain and back pain.
Even if it is benign tumors that not always evolve in a negative way, you should always consult your gynecologist for routine visits and once had a diagnosis of uterine fibroids, keep it under control. It may also have more fibroids simultaneously and of different types.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids

The main symptoms, which appear in approximately one third of women with one or more fibroids, are the following:
  • Very heavy and prolonged menstrual cycles resulting in anemia 
  •  Low back pain and / or pelvic pain Pain during sexual intercourse 
  • Pressure on the bladder resulting in a constant urge to urinate, incontinence or inability to empty the bladder 
  •  Pressure on the intestine that may result in constipation and / or swelling 
  • An enlarged abdomen which may be misinterpreted as weight gain or pregnancy